Racing Against Chaos: Wisconsin’s Efforts to Strengthen Election Policies

The Integrity of Elections in Wisconsin Raises Concerns Among Experts As the nation continues to grapple with the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, experts and watchdogs are expressing concerns about the loopholes in Wisconsin that were potentially exploited by allies of former President Trump. While Michigan and Pennsylvania have already taken steps to address […]

Sen. Bill Cassidy: The Presidential Race is a Disgrace

The Republican senator‍ from Louisiana, Bill Cassidy, shared his disapproval of the party’s likely presidential candidate, highlighting former President Donald Trump’s disrespectful language towards⁣ immigrants. Cassidy specifically mentioned Trump’s dehumanizing rhetoric towards illegal immigrants, expressing‍ his concern over ⁤the negative⁣ impact it has on public discourse. Cassidy’s comments come at a time when the issue⁣ […]